Is there really anything “new” in “All things new” initiative with Archbishop Rozanski? Absolutely not! He and other modernist Bishops have played this game many times before.

As we point out the abuse crisis, which includes the abuse of power by Bishops, that continues to rage on in the Catholic Church. Modernist heretical bishops were at the heart of the sexual abuse and abuse of power crisis. They lack accountability which translates to them still being in the Episcopate today and utilizing the power they have to cajole, bully and silence faithful Catholics. We will not be complicit in any such silence and will stand against initiatives which seek to serve the Spirit of the Age or the Prince of this world which is NOT the Prince of Peace.

The bishops who brought about this crisis run in packs and they do tend to operate as the mafia. They have engaged in many criminal activities including child rape, criminal cover up, and many financial scandals. They utilize some of the same lawyers, consultants and bankruptcy experts regardless of where they live in the country. This fact is true by the consulting firm CLI which has been hired for our diocese. See their vision here.

We believe that Archbishop Rozanski is going to play the same game regardless of “listening sessions and surveys” that will be collected. The plan is already made and this is what we believe will happen:

  1. Close as many parishes as possible, minimum 50% if not 75% of them.
  2. Refuse to obey or follow required Canon Law for ANY of these closures
  3. Try to reinvent the heretical concept of “Family of Parishes” which has no Canon law basis. This tactic is used by modernist bishops to limit the number of canonical pastors that would remove their current authority and shift control to the archdiocese for all decisions regarding the parish including their finances.
  4. Closures will happen where they can maximize profits and that developers will pay top dollar for so that they can swell their coffers.

One local pastor read the letter from the Archbishop and states what this will likely look like. The following was taken from Youtube and we felt it was worth watching start at the 15:22 mark.
Go to 15:22 to hear the homily

Has Archbishop Rozanski changed his ways since coming to St. Louis? Again, the answer is NO. He has already started to sell church property with no canonical decree issued that we can find and have requested with no response as in the case of Saints Mary and Joseph chapel in St. Louis at 6304 Minnesota Avenue. He has stripped the interior and has it up on the market since spring of 2021. We have asked many for responses including Bishop Rivituso, Fr. Chris Martin and General Counsel Thomas Buckley however they have offered no response to date. This refusal is due to the fact that they are not willing to put into writing the answers to our questions about how or if they intend to follow Canon law as this would hold them accountable for such response to the sale of this property. If things were on the up and up then they would promptly show how they have followed that which they should be doing.

To show what we mean by Archbishop Rozanski is not changing his ways or to demonstrate what we mean by what his way is. Watch the next video from his former diocese in MA.


2 Responses

    • To sell property there is a decree needed to relegate the church to profane but not sordid use. If a decree is issued you have 10 days to appeal the decision to the local ordinary. We can aid in this process if a decree is issued to properly compose the appeal. We work off donations and do not charge for our services.

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